It’s The Littlest Things
You can listen to me read this poem HERE.
Text of poem for those who cannot view the image above (this text does not offer appropriate formatting):
It’s the very smallest, littlest things
that drive us up a wall
push us beyond our endurance
clue us in
to just how fucked up everything
really is
The littlest things overwhelm us
But it’s the littlest things
that can save us too
It’s all gone downhill so fast
hasn’t it?
we act shocked as if we
were not warned
but it’s the big things
that we never believed
and yet here they are
But it’s the littlest things
that can save us too
Step away
Take the dog for a walk
Eat that piece of cheesecake
Go out with a friend for tea
Look at beautiful things
Make something with your hands
Go to an art show or concert
Listen in on the children playing
Dance badly to salsa at 5am in your kitchen
Buy the flowers
Say hello to someone new
Sit with your eyes closed
Cast a spell
Breathe deeply
Take your vitamins and medications
Drink water
Share clean water with someone else
Take a long shower
Sing to yourself the song you loved as a child
Read the book you’ve been meaning to
Write the letter you’ve been putting off
Email the project proposal or submission
Hold a baby and look into their face
Make love every chance you get
Smile at your own reflection
Stare at the moon
Say good morning to the sun
Wear the color you never dared
It’s the littlest things
that can save us too