25 Ways To Help Your Employees Struggling With Food Insecurity & Hunger
1 min readSep 12, 2016
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage that takes into account the actual living costs in your community.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Give appropriate raises to acknowledge cost of living increases in your community.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Let the union do its job.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Select health insurance options that are reasonable in cost for your employees, so they aren’t choosing between their annual check up and groceries.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
- Pay a living wage.
Yes, it really is that simple. You don’t need 20 suggestions to let your employees take leftovers from your open house, your employees shouldn’t have to come to you and tell you they are hungry, and you aren’t a good person for telling them there’s no shame in their hunger. Pay them a living wage.